I believe everyone knows that swiss replica watches undergo certain manual processing. Since it is a human work, it cannot be as accurate as a CNC machine tool. Therefore, even if a brand new watch is shipped from the factory after strict quality inspection, it is inevitable that there will be defects. So how to measure the defects of this brand new watch.
I believe many friends know that the accuracy and waterproof performance of brand mechanical watches need to be checked with professional instruments. Generally, when we buy a new replica watch, we don’t bring a full set of tools, so we can only judge it from the appearance of the watch. “Finding faults”. Generally, we can look at defects in the appearance of a replica watch from four aspects.
First of all, we can look at the replica watch mirror carefully under natural light indoors. If there are only slight scratches and ripples, it is acceptable. As for spots, as long as the diameter is not larger than 0.3 mm, 4 can be accepted, and two are allowed on the central plane. If the diameter of the spots is less than 0.3 mm, it is not considered a defect, and the spots should be more than 5 mm apart. At the same time, no obvious scratches are allowed on the inside of the glass, and light scratches and abrasions are allowed on the edge of the watch mirror. However, serious scratches, abrasions, chipping and cracking are absolutely not allowed. Finally, the reflective circle (inner shadow) is not allowed to have obvious scratches, discoloration and plating layer peeling off.
The second is to look at the face (dial) of the replica watch. For the dial, scratches greater than 0.3 mm in width and greater than 1.2 mm in length are not allowed, and the distance between scratches should be greater than 3 mm. The occurrence of disc pits: no diameter larger than 0.25 mm is allowed, one indexing inner diameter less than 0.25 mm is allowed, and three diameters less than 0.15 mm are allowed.
At the same time, the dial is not allowed to have obvious bulges and bulges with debris stuck on the dial, which are less than 0.05 mm and can be ignored. However, if the diameter of the dial is less than 0.09 mm, 3 drums are not allowed to exist at the same time.
Heterochromic spots, but this does not mean deterioration. Three spots with a diameter less than 0.3 mm are allowed, while only one spot with a diameter of 0.3 mm can appear, and the distance between spots is greater than 3 mm. For example, dial deterioration, peeling, severe waviness and scratches are all unacceptable defects.
Finally, look at the case. The gap between the case and the crown should be maintained at 0.1~0.2 mm. The spring-loaded eye for installing the replica watches strap is allowed to be slightly deflected, but defects such as bulges and holes are not allowed. Slight scratches are allowed on the front, sides, and back, and blisters and obvious scratches, bumps, cuts, pockmarks, or missing materials are not allowed on the missing sections. The back cover is allowed to have minor blisters, abrasions, scratches, and discoloration (brown), and the opening part is allowed to have minor scratches and knife marks, but the back plane is not allowed to have serious scratches and blisters.